Merry Christmas Sweet Girl!! Santa was here and left you lots of nice gifts! Dada and I went to tuck you in last night and made the mistake of mentioning that "he sees you when your sleeping", and you were freaked out from then on. We had to put you to bed in our bed because you didn't want Santa looking at you. This seems perfectly rational to me though, since I wouldn't want a strange man coming into my house watching me sleep either, even if he was bearing gifts. You did end up being successfully transferred back to your own bed later on. Mama got a wonderful present from the hospital too. They called and said I didn't have to go to work. Yay!!

Christmas morning: You appear to be shellshocked, not really knowing where to start. Your two presents from Santa were unwrapped beside the tree. A large play kitchen that makes 40 different sounds and comes complete with food, and the "barking doggy" you had wrote to Santa about. Along with an overflowing stocking. You must have been a good girl! Mommy and Daddy got you some "pets" (Littlest Pet Shop), a puzzle, books, and some polly pocket stuff. We had fun playing with our goodies all morning and then went to the airport to pick up Aunt Allison as she arrived from Tokyo. She was so excited to see you! And you love the airport. I'm glad I have a few days to relax now.