I think I'll entitle this post Fashions by Elise. You have been putting together the most interesting outfits lately. Your specialty seems to be accessorizing. You found one of my necklaces from when I was a kid. It's got pink beads with six teddy bears on the front of different colors. It must be at least 22 years old. You've been wearing in non-stop for a week now which is a first. You also have an assortment of hair accessories, rings, necklaces, and bracelets that you interchange depending on your mood. Other times, you just wear all of them at the same time.
Dresses are another big thing with you now. I blame the "Princesses" for that. You suddenly have a big interest in the Princesses. Your favorite movie is Aladdin. And we have a great big book of multiple princess stories that I have to read to you at least once or twice a day. You usually will pick a Princess Jasmine story, or Snow White.

And you are really coming out of your shell with other kids! When we go visit the Rozelles, you just run off with Evan and Hailey without a second glance at us. Dada said you guys were driving past some kids gettting off the school bus the other day and you told him you wanted to play with them. This is great, especially since school starts in 4 months!! September 10th! I hope you will be happy there.
Your other skills are really excelling too. You now have you own computer and can navigate the Nick Jr. website with ease, and play most of the games by yourself. You can write your own name, with the exception of the S. You love puzzles, and yesterday you put together a 24 piece puzzle all by yourself!! Puzzles and playing with the beach ball are your two favorite past times. You like to bounce the beach ball between us and see how high you can bounce it off your head. You are so excited for summer, so you can swim in your whale pool and plant a garden. We have already planted some strawberries and tomatoes in pots.