June 16, 2009

This week you went to the Cherry Jam for the Cherry Valley Girl Scouts. It was a two day/day camp that was held at Lakeside Park in Caledonia. You had a good time hanging out with some of your friends from school, and made a couple new friends too. I guess that's what struck me about the experience, how easily you seem to make friends. These little girls in the picture above all wanted to have their picture taken with you, especially the one with her arm around your shoulder. You went on scavenger hunts, learned new songs, and ate things you would NEVER eat for me (walking tacos?).

All in all, you seemed to have a good time and it was a good way to eliminate the constant "I'm bored" that I've already been hearing. Here are couple more cute pics, including one of you with your favorite troop leader called "William?" I guess she was making up silly names for herself both days and you guys thought she was hilarious. I could tell all the girls wanted her attention.

June 15, 2009

Great Grandma Worman, otherwise known as the Pocket Grandma, was here for a visit for the first time in 5 years. She was immensely happy to see you and is amazed by everything you do. She's a very sharp lady considering she's 94. While we were visiting Grandpa showed you how to strum his ukelele, and you fell in love with it. After you finished your dinner, you ran in the other room to get it and then serenaded us with the songs you learned at Girl Scout camp while you strummed. It was so cute because you were so serious about it. Now a ukelele is the only thing you want for your birthday. Daddy took some video of you playing it, I will try to upload it.

June 5, 2009

Today was your last day of Kindergarten. You are officially a first grader, can you believe it! I can't. Daddy had to get a picture of you getting off the short bus, because he thinks it's so funny. Plus today was the last day you will ever ride the short bus. You brought home all of these neat things from your teacher; report card, lots of pictures that were taken over the year, art projects, a draft book were you practiced writing and spelling, a memory book, and (my favorite) your "Look at Me" book where you drew a self portrait at the beginning of the year and at the end. Here's is what they looked like.

You got straight ones on your report card, with the exception of "recognizes and states the value of a penny, nickey, dime, and quarter". We can work on that over the summer. ;-) Along with your report card, your teacher wrote a little note telling about you and all you know.

"Elise is such a sweet little girl and has been a joy to have in class this year. She is quiet and shy but seems to have blossomed the past few months. She is kind, respectful, and cooperative. She has made new friends and gets along well with her peers. Elise knows rhyming, all 26 capital and lowercase letter names and letter sounds. She knows all 31 of the reading sight words. She uses the letter sound association to read leveled reading books and sound out words when writing in her Draft book. She identifies, arranges, and writes numbers 1-30. She counts to 111 by 1's and to 100 by 10's. She can practice couting to 100 by 5's this summer and to 20 by 2's. I encourage her to review letters, sounds, read and write this summer to maintain her skills. Elise always does her personal best in her work. She is ready for the challenge of first grade. I will miss her next year. Have a Great Summer!

Mrs. Bowman