Today was my formal ultrasound. It was strange for me, coming into the hospital as a patient, instead of to work. I drank tons of water like a good doobie, so that my bladder would be full. It was fun at first. The ultrasonagrapher seemed so young to me! I think it was exciting for your Daddy to see you moving around in there. The last ultrasound he was there for in person was at 8 weeks. All the other ones have just been pictures I brought home to him. The tech confirmed again for us that you look like a girl! She began taking measurements of all your parts and checking out your organs and my back began to spasm!! Oh my god I was hurting so bad. I don't know if it was the hard table or my very full bladder, but I didn't think I could make it. She let me get up and move around a little. I felt like such a wussy, but my back was just breaking! When everything was done and I finally got to pee I swear I peed for 5 minutes straight. Then I had to pee again before we even left the building. Wow! I think this ultrasound was a little anti-climatic for me just because I've already had 4. We did get a nice picture of your profile though.