You are smiling so much! Your new favorite pasttime is sucking on your hands, which makes them smell like sour milk a lot of the time. Pew! The Zantac seems to be helping during the day, but you are still a screaming mess come 5:00, which makes dinner unpleasant for Mommy and Daddy. We usually have to take turns with you, so that the other can get something to eat. Other times, I eat with you in the bouncie seat under the table. I'll be vigorously bouncing you with my feet, while I'm simultaneously tryting to shove food in my mouth.
I wish Daddy got to see more of your smiley times. I think he thinks I make it up, because he's only home in the evenings when you are so fussy. Our only respite in the evenings is our evening walk. I have to walk with your back against my stomach, so you can look out at everything. You love to watch the trees. I live for those walks, it's so nice to get outside. I feel so trapped inside the house lately.