Everyday you get stronger and stronger. Now when you are lying on your belly you can lift your head 90 degrees. I got some great pictures of you doing it. The outfit you are wearing is pretty much your uniform. I love putting you in onesies and sweat pants. It's so snuggly and easy too. I love the facial expressions you make. When you lift your head up it's like you are concentrating so hard!! I'm really glad too, that you are gaining more head control. It is so hard to carry you sometimes because your head wants to flop, so I have to use two hands, and can't get much done that way. Especially since you want to be held so much. I think you are the happiest when I have you in the front carrier, facing out, while I vacuum. You could stay like that all day. The other day you even fell asleep like that. Daddy and I made a CD of the vacuum cleaner, hoping that would help you sleep longer, but it just doesn't have the same effect. We are going to burn out the motor on this thing I think. Psss... colic is supposed to go away by 3 months, maybe you didn't get the memo.