Today we visited Nana for a little family get together. She wanted to have Gary take a family picture. It's funny because I always seem to like the candid shots of family so much better than the posed. This first picture you see is the one she ended up liking the best. This will be the one you see framed on the wall. At the bottom is my favorite, however, you're difficult to see. I don't think that matters much because you're really not into having your picture taken anyway. To be honest, I think you look a bit like a baby troll with your one elfin ear pointing out and your wispy hair going everywhere, not to mention your grumpy expression. In the one at the bottom, Shai has decided that this seems to be the perfect time to play frisbee, since we're all just standing around in the yard anyway.

She came over and dropped her frisbee right in front of me, and you can see how everyone's expression changed. They went from their "smile and get it over with" expressions to genuine smiles. That I love! It is especially hard to coax those smiles out of Nana and Papa who seem to prefer not to show their teeth most of the time. This is your real family! Not those stiff people in the other picture!