Grandpa, Aunt Allison, Nana, Papa,Gigi, and Great Grandma Worman were there. You had a huge pile of presents that you weren't quite sure what to do with. Mama and Dada got you a Cozy Coupe and everyone took turns taking you for rides around the driveway. I think that was your favorite part. 
When the time for cake came, I was hoping for some really good cake smashing pictures, but you seemed wary of the whole thing. You sat in your high chair and pinched the cake until Mom took your hands and smashed them into the cake for you. Then you screamed bloody murder until we washed your hands off.

When the time for cake came, I was hoping for some really good cake smashing pictures, but you seemed wary of the whole thing. You sat in your high chair and pinched the cake until Mom took your hands and smashed them into the cake for you. Then you screamed bloody murder until we washed your hands off.
After most of the people cleared out, we stripped you down to your diaper and let you go crazy with the presents. Well, I should say boxes and wrapping paper. Aunt Allison is staying with us, and you had a ball playing with her. Great Grandma Worman is also here, and I'm so glad she got to see you and vice versa. She is almost 90 years old and she was on the ground trying to show you how to crawl! I wanted to say, "Look Elise! If she can do, so can you." Still you are content to be immobile and let everyone else cart you around.
I can't wait to watch you grow up Shuggie Bear. There are so many things yet to come. I hope you know how much Mama and Daddy love you. As excited as I am for you to grow, I am going to missing the sweet baby things, like rocking you and coming and getting you out of your crib as you stand there with your arms outstretched. The sweet baby roundness of your face. I love you.