Watch out! Crawling monster baby!! I love that you are actually able to get about on your own, but C'mon now! You are 14 months old! You are supposed to be walking! In an effort to encourage you to join the rest of us homo sapiens in the upright two legged posture, I signed you up for Gymboree class. It's geared toward babies your age. It has gross motor activities on a minuture indoor playground type of set-up and ten we sing songs, etc. I was hoping that if you saw other kids walking, you might be inspired to do it yourself. So far, nothing. The teacher thinks your crawl is hilarious though. Whenever they open the gate to let us in, you madly scoot your little butt in there. That's how you crawl most of the time. You just crabwalk or scoot your butt around. It is pretty hilarious. There is another girl in class who is your same age and doesn't walk either, but she was also almost 3 months premature!! I guess I just have to be patient. You're getting to be a little chunkamonk though. I'm not sure how much longer I can carry you around.