I just realized tonight that you are potty trained. Day trained at least. It just kind of happened, no real planning. It started when you were 15 months. We bought a potty just to have around to see if you were interested and started getting into the habit of having you sit on it before bathtime, low and behold, you went. Then when you were around 18 months old you started having potty hatred issues. You would refuse to sit on it, let alone go on it. I think it was because you were just starting to walk (you didn't walk until you were 19 months). Then a couple of months ago, the cloud lifted and you started getting interested in the potty again. Using it 1-4 times a day, including number 2. But this last month, you've been really interested in it. Even asking on your own to use it. Dada was at Barnes and Nobles and you asked to go potty, so he took you to the bathroom and you went!! What really floored me was that you're not used to using a big potty. So I started putting you in regular underwear for part of the day this week and regularly asking you if you had to go, with good success. Today you wore big girl panties all day except when we went to Lowes and when you took a nap, and those were the only times you went not on the potty. When I was bathing you tonight it finally dawned on me. She's potty trained!! Two not even really accidents. I can't believe it. All this time I've been thinking how nervous I am to start potty training and it's already done practically. Whew! What a relief. I'm not going to worry about night training you anytime soon. You are afterall, only just 2. After we have the day and naptime stuff down pat, then I'll worry about that. I added a picture of you sitting on the potty when you were quite a bit younger. I didn't want to take a more recent one because you are getting shy about having your picture taken now.