Well the Halloween festivites are over. Friday night we carved pumpkins, well Mama and Dada carved pumpkins and you watched. We tried to get you to scoop out the "pumpkin ookies", but you only managed a couple of seeds before you decided that was not your thing. Dada did his usual obsessive seed collecting, and then proceeded to carve his pumpkin with a power drill and what I believe are routing bits. I carved your pumpkin in typical jacko-lantern style. Then Dada shared his finished pumpkin seeds with you, and I think that was your favorite part.
Last night was Halloween, and you had a blast again, although it was colder than last year. You were very excited to go Trick or Treating, and kept asking, "When's it going to be here?" You went as a kitty cat.

I wanted to find you just a regular fuzzy kitty cat costume, but all they had were these fashion kitties with leopard print or pink faux fur. I hate that! You're 3!! But what can you do? We went to Pine Edge again this year, since that worked so well last year. Both Maddie and you agreed to skip the "shaking houses", which were the ones with strobe lights. Last year, you had made it all the way around the subdivision, but despite Mama's layering job (3 shirts, 3 pairs of pants, one jacket, and mittens), you were convulsing with shivers half way through. So we went home, had some hot chocolate, and ate candy.
I'm including some pictures of you in your costume, and one that I took when we were playing in the leaf piles the other day. What a beautiful fall girl you are!