December 25, 2007

December 25, 2007

It's Christmas and once again you were showered with presents. Santa brought you a vanity table complete with make-up and jewelry and a snow tube. Mom and Dad's big present was the Enchanted Tales Princess Castle complete with horse and carriage, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Prince Charming. You are all about the princesses. It was a good Christmas.

Aunt Allison is staying with us. She seems to feel compelled to get you gifts that poop. Last year, it was Barbie with Tanner "the pooping dog". This year it's Baby Alive! (you have to have the exclamation point in there).
She's a lovely doll that not only pees in her diaper, but she poops in it too. You were all about feeding her, but were hesistant when it came to the diaper changing part (see pic). I thought it was pretty gross too. Aunt Allison of course got a kick out of it.

I'm glad that Mom and Dad can give you everything you want, but I worry that you're spoiled. I think we're really going to have to watch that. It's hard because you are so good that we want to give you everything. Merry Christmas darling angel!

December 24, 2007

December 24, 2007

It's Christmastime!! You would think a four year old would be excited, but not you! You're too busy being terrified of Santa! Last year I told you that you had better go to sleep otherwise Santa wouldn't come. You asked how he would know if you were sleeping or not. So I told you he would check. You panicked and screamed, "I don't want Santa to look at me!!!!!!!!" We let you sleep in our bed, and you were fine. This year as Christmas approached I could tell you were getting anxious about Santa again. We talked about what to do and decided that we would ask Santa not to go in your room or look at you on our cookie note. You seemed okay with this...until it was time to go to bed tonight. We finished reading stories and you just started shaking and crying hysterically. We reminded you of what we had written on the note, and that Santa was just coming in the house to leave presents, but you wouldn't calm down. I finally had to leave to go pick up Aunt Allison from the airport. You called her and she agreed to sleep in your bed tonight, and Daddy lay with you until you were asleep. I think next year we're just going to have to face our fears and visit one of Santa's helpers in the mall. Above is a picture of you in your new Christmas PJs.

December 19, 2007

December 19, 2007

Last night was your first school concert. It was very fun watching you up there. I could tell you were concentrating so hard. Your class sang 3 songs. Two were about a snowman and the third was like "If you're happy and you know it..." but with a Christmas theme. My favorite was the chubby little snowman which goes like this.

There was a chubby little snowman
who had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
Now what do you suppose?
The hungry little bunny
was looking for some lunch.
He ate the snowman's carrot nose.

I have it memorized because you've been practicing in the car for me. After the concert we had Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Denise. They got you the animatronic parrot you asked for, "Squawkers", a digital camera of your very own, and some books. We had fun playing with Squawkers, and you had fun hiding in the boxes from Mamas gifts. You were taking pictures of everything with your new camera. This morning you already have 120 pictures on your camera, most of which are of inanimate objects. You don't seem to mind. We're looking forward to Christmas!

October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007

Pretty as a Princess! It's another Halloween, Mama's favorite holiday. This year we had the added excitement of a school party. We had a parade through the halls, cupcakes, and goody bags. So much candy, where to start! Trick or Treating was not quite as much fun. Maddy and Karrie decided to go to a church Halloween party instead of trick or treating. I asked you what you'd prefer, "knocking on doors or the church party with Maddy?" It was hard for me to not try and bias you, because I really wanted to go trick or treating, but you chose that anyway. We made plans to go with the Rozelles, but just before we headed out of the door it started to rain. I grabbed some umbrellas, but with the wind, cold tempeatures, and rain, you only made it to 4 houses before you were asking to be taken home. Daddy and I pushed for a few more houses before finally giving in.

We dropped Daddy off and then headed off to the church to see if we could find Maddy and Karrie. The party was billed as "Treats from Trunks". Silly me, I didn't realize they meant trunks of cars, so the church party was a wash too (literally). You didn't seem to mind any of this, because you still had quite a bit of candy. I just hoping for better weather next year.

October 15, 2007

October 15th, 2007

Today, your class went to the pumpkin patch. You got to go on a hayride, and pick out a little pumpkin souvenir. I think you were most excited about getting to ride the bus for the first time. You've also made some new friends at school, Samantha and Lily. Samantha is sitting next to you in the picture from the pumpkin patch. Actually, she's next to you in every picture from the pumpkin patch! I can tell she really wants to be your friend. I love getting my daily report from school; what kids you played with, what boys were bad, and what you had for snack.

October 10, 2007

October 10th, 2007

Oh, how cute you are! Today you told me that you learned a new prayer at school. I was a bit confused at first because your preschool is not religiously affiliated. You got a very serious look on your face, clasp your hands together, and recited "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America..." You recited almost the whole thing by memory. It was just the cutest thing. I guess I understand why you thought it was a prayer, afterall, they taught you the traditional version with "One nation under God" in it. You've been fascinated by prayer ever since Becky took you to Vacation Bible School for a day. You have a bunny that says a bedtime prayer, and you say it before bed quite often. That one goes like this, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep. Angels watch me through the night, and keep me in their blessed sight. Amen."

September 14, 2007

September 14th, 2007

September 10 was a historic day. Elise first day of school!! You are going to Duncan Lake Early Childhood Center Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. You were so excited to go. We got there and put your backpack in your locker (how cute you have your own locker). Then we took you in the classroom. We played for a little while, but then it was time for us to go. I honestly thought it would be no big deal to you, but suddenly your eyes were red rimmed and you looked like you were trying so hard not to cry. Dada was holding you and you hugged him so tight, I thought you might strangle him. I wasn't worried though. I knew you'd be fine as soon as we left, I was just surprised.
Dada and I ran some errands that went back to pick you up. We were one of the first parents to enter the room, and all the kids were sitting at tables. You jumped up and ran over to us yelling, "I had fun and I didn't learn anything!!" I'm sure the teacher appreciated that. You didn't get to go out on the playground that day, because it was too cold and rainy. You've been 3 times now and you seem to love it more each time. You've been out on the playground twice, and made some new friends, although you don't know their names. I wish I could be a fly on the wall, because it's so hard to find out much from you. All you ever say is, "I dunno." Usually I have to wait until things come out in conversation. I'm just so glad you are enjoying yourself. And Mommy gets a little free time too.

September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007

Another big milestone! Today, I went in to get you up from your rest (although no resting was going on). You had taken all your Polly Pocket's accessories and put them in a plastic bottle. You were excited to show me your "mixture", then you told me how you put all of them in there "except for the one that's up my nose." Ackkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I said,

"What is up your nose, honey"
"A Polly shoe."
"Why did you put it up your nose."
"I dunno."

I took a look and sure enough, there it was shoved wayyyyyyy up there. So I took you in the bathroom, and got out the tweezers, but then thought I'd give the old plug the opposite nostril and blow trick a try, and it worked beautifully. That Polly shoe went flying across the bathroom like a bullet out of a gun. We were both laughing hysterically. Then I had to have the serious talk about not putting things up our nose, and I educated you in the techniques they have at the hospital for extracting things from noses when Mommy can't get them out. Hopefully it won't happen again.

August 7, 2007

August 7, 2007

Today was a very sad day. More so for your Mom and Dad than for you I know. We lost our precious Harley. He had been loosing weight, vomiting, and acting lethargic. Daddy took him to the vet in the morning and came home in tears, Harley has intestinal cancer and is basically starving to death. We kept him home and tried to love him up as best as we could. Then at 1:00, we took him in and had him put to sleep. Death is such a hard thing to understand, even for adults. You seemed to understand, you were there when he was put down, and when we buried him. But later when I was crying because I wanted to go check on him and then remembered I couldn't, you asked Why? I asked you "Why do you think, Sweetie?", but you just said, "I don't know."

I know you're too young, and you probably won't remember him when you get older, but he was very special to your Dad and I. We got him as a kitten after we'd only been dating less than 3 months. He was such a lovey, goofy, sweet boy. He was with us for so long, and we really thought we had a lot more time. You called him "The Lover" because of his sweet and loving personality. He seemed very protective of you, and would always rub on your feet during breakfast. Once when you were sick, he slept in your bed most of the time. I'm including a picture of that time, plus a bunch of others, so maybe you'll remember him. I'm glad he's not suffering anymore, but I am going to miss him so much.

August 6, 2007

August 6, 2007

Sometimes you just make me so proud! Today, you had your 4 year check up. We had to bring in your first mornings urine in a cup, and this had you completely mystified. "Why do they want my pee?" "What are they going to do with my pee?" "Will they put it in the potty?" On the drive in you said, "Remember when we took Shai to the doctor and they took her away and she had to spend the night." I said yes I remember, but you are not sick, and I won't let them take you away. First you were weighed and measured. You are 33 1/2 pounds and 40 inches tall. Then they took your blood pressure and checked your vision. 80/42 and 20/40. Dr. Vanzee said 20/40 is normal for a 4 year old, but with your family history it will be a miracle if you don't end up with glasses. Dr. VanZee checked your eyes, ears, and listened to your heart and lungs. Then he asked you to jump, stand on one foot, walk on your tip toes and your heels. You were so excited to show him that you could do it all. Then he was asking me some questions, and in the meantime you were doing a little improv demonstration of your dance and acrobatic moves. I'm sure he was quite impressed ;-)

Then it was time for shots.......... I had told you that you would be having some, and that they would hurt. I knew you were nervous, because on the way in you said that you had to hold Mini because she was scared. I asked you what Mini was scared of and you told me shots. But you had on such a brave face, and took the shots just like a brave girl and didn't make a peep. Then you got up and said, "That wasn't so bad! But it did hurt." On the way out of the office, you asked me if they had some more of those pee cups. Not sure what you had planned for that. We went out for ice cream to celebrate, and you said I couldn't take the bandaids off because that would "let the hurt out." You told Daddy that he "missed all the fun." I am so proud!

July 29, 2007

July 29th, 2007

This year we had two birthday parties to celebrate your 4th year. Today, we had a party with your friends and Grandpa and Grandma Denise. We got a big blow up waterslide for entertainment (no you're not spoiled at all!), and it was a big hit. Among the partygoers were Hannah and Kale, Haley and Evan, Alexis, and Maddie. I think it's pretty safe to say you've completely exitted the shell. You are a true social butterfly now. You just love being around kids. You were practically frothing at the mouth for them to show up. I told everyone not to bring gifts partly because you've already received so many from us and your grandparents and partly because I know you could care less!! You are way more
interested in playing with the kids than any ole presents. Most of them brought some small gifts anyway, however.

You played on the waterslide, ate some food, played in your playroom, on the swingset. I could barely keep track of you! Maddie was very afraid to go down the slide, so you held her hand and she went down (once!). I just loved seeing you surrounded by friends, and interacting. It will be so cool to see your friendships bloom.

July 2, 2007

July 2nd, 2007

I love it when a simple thing like an evening walk turns into a wonderful memory. Last night we went for a stroll. It was cool enough to wear long sleeves and jeans even. I was pulling you in the wagon and Dada was walking Shai. We got about a half mile down Snow and found wild blackberries and mulberries. You were eating them as fast as I could pick them. Your hands and face were purple. It was like finding hidden treasure. Then your Dada was taking chunks of dried dirt and smashing them on the road, so of course you wanted to be cool like him and did it too. You looked so cute with your purple victorious little smile. I wish all of our days could be relaxed and comfy like that.

June 21, 2007

June 21th, 2007

Well we have a new addition to our family. Last week while you and Dada were out for a walk, Dada found a baby kitten in the woods along side the road. It was tiny and starving. We took it to the vet while we went on vacation, so they could check her out. They found she had round worms and ear mites, but she was treated and didn't have anything that was not curable. Daddy and I had already agreed we would keep her if she was healthy. She is a very spirited little thing, and we named her Rossi after the motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi. You get very excited when she is around, but she doesn't seem frightened even when you are jumping around screaming and picking her up akwardly. Last night she spent most of the night in your bed and I hope she grows up to be your cat. It's very fun having a kitten around the house....well for everyone but the other cats.

June 19, 2007

June 19th, 2007

We just got back from our first real family vacation! Albeit a short one. We went to Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City for 2 days. You had no idea where we were going. We walked into that great big lobby, and you were still confused. Daddy parked the car while you and I checked in, then we took you around to the second floor balcony overlooking the waterpark and your eyes got huge! We took our stuff to the room and checked out your "Wolf Den".

Then we headed to the restaurant to eat. I was looking over the list of things to do, and mention Wiley Wolf the Great Wolf mascot. You looked petrified. You kept looking all around like he was going to pop out of anywhere, and then you asked about how many locks were on the door to our room, so that we could keep him out. I think you thought he was going to come after you while you were sleeping. I just kept assuring you that we'd only see him if you wanted to see him.

After dinner we put on our suits and went down to check out the water park. You could hardly contain your excitement, you were all over the place. Your favorite thing seemed to be watching the big bucket dump out. Every time the bell started to ring you would run over there and start jumping up and down screaming. It was so funny. I had to hold you back at some of the slides and lily pads because you were so excited to get on you forgot to wait in line.

After swimming, we put on PJ's and went down to listen to the "Rythum of Nature" clock sing and hear a bedtime story. You loved the clock and it's talking animals, but when the storytime lady came out to read, she had Wiley Wolf with her. You didn't cry or want to leave but you kept one eye on that wolf the whole time. After the story, all the kids went up to give Wiley a hug or a high five. I suggested we go up and give him a group hug and you agreed.
You were very brave and gave Wiley a hug while I held you, and from then on it was "the wolf" this and "the wolf" that. You wanted to see him all the time. The next night you went up and gave him a hug all by yourself, and on the last day we had to wait 30 minutes after breakfast so we could catch him in the lobby.

The whole trip you amazed me with your bravery. You went on every ride you were tall enough to ride, and a couple you weren't. ;-) You swam by yourself with your swimmies, and even went under the big bucket one time with Dada. We played games in the arcade and you made a necklace in Cub Club. It was a very fun trip, and you can't wait to go back!

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007

I think I'll entitle this post Fashions by Elise. You have been putting together the most interesting outfits lately. Your specialty seems to be accessorizing. You found one of my necklaces from when I was a kid. It's got pink beads with six teddy bears on the front of different colors. It must be at least 22 years old. You've been wearing in non-stop for a week now which is a first. You also have an assortment of hair accessories, rings, necklaces, and bracelets that you interchange depending on your mood. Other times, you just wear all of them at the same time.

Dresses are another big thing with you now. I blame the "Princesses" for that. You suddenly have a big interest in the Princesses. Your favorite movie is Aladdin. And we have a great big book of multiple princess stories that I have to read to you at least once or twice a day. You usually will pick a Princess Jasmine story, or Snow White.

And you are really coming out of your shell with other kids! When we go visit the Rozelles, you just run off with Evan and Hailey without a second glance at us. Dada said you guys were driving past some kids gettting off the school bus the other day and you told him you wanted to play with them. This is great, especially since school starts in 4 months!! September 10th! I hope you will be happy there.

Your other skills are really excelling too. You now have you own computer and can navigate the Nick Jr. website with ease, and play most of the games by yourself. You can write your own name, with the exception of the S. You love puzzles, and yesterday you put together a 24 piece puzzle all by yourself!! Puzzles and playing with the beach ball are your two favorite past times. You like to bounce the beach ball between us and see how high you can bounce it off your head. You are so excited for summer, so you can swim in your whale pool and plant a garden. We have already planted some strawberries and tomatoes in pots.

March 13, 2007

March 13, 2007

Great day today. It was 70 degrees out and all the snow was melting. I took you out to the pond, which was very flooded, and we followed the stream that was feeding it. We threw sticks in the water to watch them go over little waterfalls through the weeds. I'm trying to encourage your tomboy side. We met up with Josette and her daughter Olivia out there. You seemed intrigued by the older girl, but still a little shy. When we got back home you were yelling to Dada, "I made a new friend!!" Dada said, "What's her name?" You looked at me and asked, "What was her name?" Silly kid.

Then we took a walk down the cul-de-sac, and hung out with Jack, Kyla, and Keimon. You actually played with Kyla. At first, you just sort of followed her around, but once she started talking with you, you two were off playing. This has got me really excited. A friend for you in the neighborhood! Kyla is 5, and will go to Kindergarten in the fall. After your bath, we watched half of Cinderella for the first time. You were loving the parts with the mice, but you were obviously exhausted. I'm planning a vacation to Disney May of 2008. If I can arrange it, we'll have breakfast at Cinderella's castle!

February 21, 2007

February 21, 2007

You are growing up so fast. Yesterday, I picked up the packet to sign you up for Pre-school in the fall. You already know so much. You know most of your letters and can count up to 40. You can also sound out letters and know your left from right. You also delight in helping anyway that you can. Now you open the fridge and put things away, clear the table, fold laundry. You're doing very well with your reward chart, and have received two special nights out. I can't wait until summer is here and we can be outside again. Although the cold really doesn't seem to bother you a bit, but it bothers Mama.

Everyday you do something that makes me wonder what you'll become when you grow up. Your love and absolutely zero fear of bugs makes me think Entomologist. For a long while, you had been keeping a box elder bug in a tupperware container and calling him Boxy. Frequently, you'd wake up to find the lid off and Boxy having "escaped", but you always find another to replace him. One day you manhandled one of the bugs a little too much and found him lifeless next to his "toys". You were so upset and came to me crying, "I pinched Boxy too much and now he's DEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!" Luckily, you weren't too sentimental and we were able to replace him. Now you are extra careful to be gentle with them and have figured out how to handle them without squishing them. I still get creeped out a little, when you let them crawl all over you, but just a little. It's my goal to raise you to be curious about nature and to love all creatures even the creepy crawly ones.

I also wonder about sports. The other day we went to the track, so that I could calibrate my Ipod/Nike thing. You ran all the way around the track behind me! I also think you are a good kicker, so maybe soccer. But you also show some talent at basketball. Either way I think you will be better at sports than your mother. I hope at least. I think we'll do a sports class next. There's one in Caledonia, and maybe we can meet some new friends to have playdates with.

February 1, 2007

February 1, 2007

It's snow time! Finally there is real snow on the ground, and we have been trying to take advantage of it. Although sometimes, I think you just go outside so that you can come in and tell me, "I'm cold! I think I need some hot chocolate to warm me up!" We go sledding on the hill next to Rich's house, make snow angels, and one of your favorites, snow spray. Mama puts food coloring and water in a spray bottle so you can paint the snow. On Dada's birthday, we piled up the snow like a billboard and I put Happy Birthday! on one side and you decorated the other. On Sunday, we went over to the Rozelles and you got to ride with Mama on a sled pulled by their 4 wheeler, and you weren't scared a bit. Dave went slow for you, but I think you would have liked to go fast.

We also have started a new bedtime game of sorts. The other day you were trying to tell me that you don't sleep at all at night. That you just lay in your bed and play with your animals all night. I said that I knew that wasn't true because I check on you every night before I go to bed. You swore up and down that you don't sleep, so I told you that when I checked on you that night I would leave a mark on your nose, so that you would know I checked on you and you were sleeping. You were so delighted the next morning to see that mark on your nose that you wanted me to do it again. So every night this week you've woken up with a mark on your nose. Although last night, Dada and I both left an X on each cheek where we kissed you. You are the apple of our eyes.

January 6, 2007

January 6, 2007

Welcome to the new year!! You spent New's Eve at Grandpa's house partying with Hannah and Cale. From the sounds of it, you had a blast. It makes me so happy that you like going over to Grandpa's house, since he's a pretty special person to me.

Today we instituted Elise's Reward Chart in order to foster a little more independence in you. There are 5 categories; Getting Dressed, Eating, Cleaning Up, Being Independent, and Attitude. Each category has it's own list of criteria and you must meet the majority in order to get a star. See this is what happens when your mother is raised by educators!! Last night (first night), you got all your stars. Tonight you missed out on the getting dressed star, since we had to ask you to get dressed 5 times and you refused to let Dad help you on with your coat and said Mama had to do it. I was expecting you to be more upset about it (not that I wanted that), but you handled it well. After you get 10 stars you get a candy bar (of your choosing), and after 50 we are going to take you to Chuck E. Cheese. You seem very excited about the latter especially.

Amazing talent of the hour - You are sounding out letters! You are actually much better at this than you are at recognizing them by sight. The other day we were sounding out B, and then you just starting listing off other words that start with be all on your own!! You came up with Beaver and Butterfly. Aunt Allison and I were blown away. You can just pick a random word out of speech and tell me the letter it starts with. Your best letters are S, T, P, B, and M. Now if I could just get you to recognize them, we'd be halfway to reading!