It's snow time! Finally there is real snow on the ground, and we have been trying to take advantage of it. Although sometimes, I think you just go outside so that you can come in and tell me, "I'm cold! I think I need some hot chocolate to warm me up!" We go sledding on the hill next to Rich's house, make snow angels, and one of your favorites, snow spray. Mama puts food coloring and water in a spray bottle so you can paint the snow. On Dada's birthday, we piled up the snow like a billboard and I put Happy Birthday! on one side and you decorated the other. On Sunday, we went over to the Rozelles and you got to ride with Mama on a sled pulled by their 4 wheeler, and you weren't scared a bit. Dave went slow for you, but I think you would have liked to go fast.
We also have started a new bedtime game of sorts. The other day you were trying to tell me that you don't sleep at all at night. That you just lay in your bed and play with your animals all night. I said that I knew that wasn't true because I check on you every night before I go to bed. You swore up and down that you don't sleep, so I told you that when I checked on you that night I would leave a mark on your nose, so that you would know I checked on you and you were sleeping. You were so delighted the next morning to see that mark on your nose that you wanted me to do it again. So every night this week you've woken up with a mark on your nose. Although last night, Dada and I both left an X on each cheek where we kissed you. You are the apple of our eyes.