What exactly do you have against your bed? It's a very nice bed, a double with yellow flannel sheets and a butterfly bedspread. Despite that you are currently taking a nap on a couch cushion behind the chair in your room. Dada calls it "Bugs Bunker". You slept there all last night. Most nights you start out sleeping in our bed and then when Dada and I go to bed we take you in the bathroom, have you pee, and then transfer you to your bed. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you end up in our bed again, or on the floor in our room. You also like me to make a bed up for you on the couch downstairs for naps, excuse me I mean "rest", you're too big for naps. But you NEVER want to sleep in your bed. You also can't seem to stay still when you sleep. Not only do you toss and turn, but you go 360 degrees. I'm including a nice sleeping picture. You also require music, books, stuffed animals (the current favorites being Barking Dog, Chickie, Pink Bear, and Little Pink Bear, what can I say you're creative with the names), a glass of water, Patsy, and Mini. It's February now, but you are listening to a Christmas CD. Your favorite song is Jingle Bells, and you serenade me in the car on the way to school.