This morning, we went and had your 5 year pictures taken. We spent about an hour at a park and it was hot and you were very tired of having your picture taken, but you knew that after pictures we were going somewhere special. You had a special day with Daddy and you've been asking me when we can have a special day together, so today is it. I wouldn't tell you where we were going but you were hell bent on figuring it out. You finally guessed half way there... The Beach! We went to Tunnel Park in Holland. It was a very nice clean beach with park and playground attached. We had a picnic and you had a ball swimming.
The waves were very small but you were shrieking with laughter when the pushed you toward the shore. I was pretending that they were huge and knocking me over. We tried making a sand castle, but your bucket broke and cut your leg and you were done with the beach after that. We headed over to the playground, but didn't play very long because the sand was so hot. On the way home, we stopped at Captain Sundae and got some sundaes. They were amazing, with tons of hot fudge and candy in them. Yum! Within minutes of the car ride home you were out, and slept the whole way.