That night Aunt Allison came, which was one of the highlights of the trip for you. Wednesday, we went on a hike to Laurel Falls. You hiked 2.5 miles of the 3 mile trek. I was very proud. The next day we took a chairlift ride up the side of a mountain and got to look out over Gatlinburg. You loved the chairlift. That night we went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede dinner show. At first you were not impressed, because they had us sit in a hall and listen to a band. Then we were herded into a large arena and took our seats. The lights went down and out came a herd of horses. You looked like McAuley Culkin in Home Alone. It was a pretty cool show and you were in heaven. You especially liked the chicken chase and the Native American portion of the show. We had to eat our whole meal with our hands, because they didn't let you have silverware. I think it was one of your favorite parts of the trip.

Later that night, when we went to put you to bed, we discovered that Mini was missing. This is a major thing, Mini is your sidekick. We looked everywhere. I had my suspicions that Mini took a ride out the back of the convertible. I sat you down and said, "Elise, I need you to think real hard. Where was the last place you remember seeing Mini?" You thought real hard and then you got a look in your eyes, like you had remembered and ran out on the porch to the chair we had sat in earlier. I knew Mini wasn't there, because I had already looked, but I could tell you really thought she'd be there. The look on your face when you saw she wasn't there broke my heart. We told you we'd look more in the morning when it was light, but I really didn't have any hope.
On the last day, Aunt Allison, Mom, and Elise took a horseback ride on a trail in the Smoky Mountain National Park. You were very worried about not getting a "pretty" horse. The man at the stable asked you which horse you would like to ride, and you said, "I like the spotted one." and pointed to the hugest horse they had. He suggested Toby, a small brown horse, and you said he was okay too. The guide that lead your horse was great and he knew all about SpongeBob, so you guys had lots to talk about. He told you he had a pet squirrel named Sandy Cheeks. I don't know if that was true or not, I think it was true. It was fun, and you looked so funny bouncing around on your horse. My horse, for some reason, thought it was fun to rear-end your hourse.