October 13, 2009
August 13, 2009

We rode to Arch Rock and climbed the steps all the way to the top. I was impressed that you didn't complain about the workout at all, and it was a lot of steps! After our bike ride, we walked up to the Grand Hotel to take a look. I was appalled, they charge you $10 a piece just to go on the property. I tried to take some pictures, but one of the employees stuck her hand out and told me we had stay back farther. I'm never staying there!

July 19, 2009

Tomorrow I think will be a brighter day. You have your first day of day camp at Camp Manitou-lin, and I think that you will feel much better having your first night without out the sucking finger under your belt. It will help to know that you can sleep without it. I'm very excited to see your face. I am a little sad that this has completely overshadowed the excitement of loosing your first tooth. That wasn't good planning on my part. I put your tooth in your tooth pillow and put it under your pillow, but really I think you could have cared less. You had way bigger things on your mind that the Tooth Fairy, and I don't think you'll even remember to look under your pillow in the morning.
July 7, 2009

Luckily, we happened to have an appointment with your doctor that day. When I brought you into the office, everyone kept saying, "Oh Sweetie!" You just looked at me and said, "Is it that bad?" I told you that we might not be able to go back to the Critter Barn because you were obviously allergic to something and you were very upset. But Dr. VanZee said that I could just load you up with Benadryl and see how it went. So we got some antihistamine eye drops for you eye, and the swelling came right down. We went back the next day, and you were fine. At the end of the class they gave us a free pass to come back and bring two friends. You want to bring Maddie and Nathen, so I gave it to Karrie to use sometime this summer. You just love to mother those animals. Just ask Rossi, the other day you had her strapped to the baby stroller with a bonnet on!

June 16, 2009

All in all, you seemed to have a good time and it was a good way to eliminate the constant "I'm bored" that I've already been hearing. Here are couple more cute pics, including one of you with your favorite troop leader called "William?" I guess she was making up silly names for herself both days and you guys thought she was hilarious. I could tell all the girls wanted her attention.

June 15, 2009

June 5, 2009

You got straight ones on your report card, with the exception of "recognizes and states the value of a penny, nickey, dime, and quarter". We can work on that over the summer. ;-) Along with your report card, your teacher wrote a little note telling about you and all you know.
"Elise is such a sweet little girl and has been a joy to have in class this year. She is quiet and shy but seems to have blossomed the past few months. She is kind, respectful, and cooperative. She has made new friends and gets along well with her peers. Elise knows rhyming, all 26 capital and lowercase letter names and letter sounds. She knows all 31 of the reading sight words. She uses the letter sound association to read leveled reading books and sound out words when writing in her Draft book. She identifies, arranges, and writes numbers 1-30. She counts to 111 by 1's and to 100 by 10's. She can practice couting to 100 by 5's this summer and to 20 by 2's. I encourage her to review letters, sounds, read and write this summer to maintain her skills. Elise always does her personal best in her work. She is ready for the challenge of first grade. I will miss her next year. Have a Great Summer!
Mrs. Bowman

May 29, 2009

May 25, 2009
School is almost out, and soon it will be summer. You are taking swimming classes at the YMCA still and you really enjoy them. I can't wait until Bob and Ann's pool is clean, so we can go swimming. You definitely have picked up swimming faster that biking. I'm a little worried about what to do with you for the whole summer. We've already had some "I'm bored." So we have you signed up for a week at Camp Manitou-lin for day camp. We went there last week for the open house, and you seemed very excited about it. I'm also signing you up for the two day Animal Adventures class at the Critter Barn in Zeeleand, and we have a vacation planned in Mackinaw City in August. It's going to be an exciting summer!
April 29, 2009
April 25, 2009
Today was your last day as a Pike. Next week you begin a new session of swim lessons at the Y as an Eel. Your teacher said you were the most advanced kid in the Pike group. You wanted to know what advanced meant.
It was also kind of a dreary boring day. It rained on and off all day, with a few episodes of lightning and thunder thrown in for good measure. Thunderstorms didn't used to bother you really. I've always loved thunderstorms and tried to pass that on to you, but I guess I'm failing. The thunder got the song "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC stuck in my head, so I put it on the radio and you and I rocked out complete with Rock Band microphone and guitar. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we continued to rock out through "You shook me all night long" and part of "Hells Bells". I'm such a good role model.
Tomorrow to counteract your dosage of AC/DC, I'm taking you to church. Just kidding, that's not why. I've been looking for a church that we could attend. You've been to church exactly twice in you life, and I want to do more than that. This is something that I struggle with, because there are so many things that I dislike about church, but many things I like too. I want you to make up your own mind about it, but how can you make a decision unless you've seen both options. I can tell you, I will never force you to go to church, because I think that's the best way to get you to not like it. I want you to be there because you want to be, not because someone told you that's what you should do. That's how it happened for me.
March 26, 2009