I wanted to quickly post this because I wanted to be sure that you knew how proud I am. Today, was a very trying day for you. Your first tooth finally came out with a little help from GiGi, and so enacted our agreement to end the figure sucking. A few months ago, after a visit to the dentist, we made an agreement. The dentist has been mentioning that your teeth are getting pushed out of place because you suck your finger, so we agreed that when your first baby tooth fell out then you would have to stop sucking your finger. It's something we had talked about for a while and this seemed like a good opportunity to have an end point. Well, the tooth finally fell out and you were very upset because your are very attached to it. You have been crying on and off all day, but you haven't not been sucking it. During bathtime, you had another burst of crying because you were sure you would not be able to fall asleep without the finger. We talked about habits and how hard they are to break. We also talked about that once you do break this habit, that you wouldn't miss your finger anymore. You seemed relieved that you weren't going to be this upset all the time about it. So before bed we painted on the nasty tasty polish and Mama laid down with you. I read you a book, then spent another 30-40 minutes reading to you out of my book. I had to put a sock on your hand because you kept accidentally putting your finger in the hole where your tooth used to be to feel it and then getting the bad taste from the polish. At one point, you said the sock was making your hand hot, but then decided to put it back on, so you would remember not to suck your finger. You were very calm and I just told you that I was sure you would be able to fall asleep and miraculously I think you believed me. And you did, you fell asleep without much fuss. You still have the sock on your hand, and I'm hoping that stays on the rest of the night.

Tomorrow I think will be a brighter day. You have your first day of day camp at Camp Manitou-lin, and I think that you will feel much better having your first night without out the sucking finger under your belt. It will help to know that you can sleep without it. I'm very excited to see your face. I am a little sad that this has completely overshadowed the excitement of loosing your first tooth. That wasn't good planning on my part. I put your tooth in your tooth pillow and put it under your pillow, but really I think you could have cared less. You had way bigger things on your mind that the Tooth Fairy, and I don't think you'll even remember to look under your pillow in the morning.