I had Daddy take me to the park today so we could get some last pictures of my huge ole belly. I wanted so nice pictures of me pregnant, so I wore my favorite maternity dress. I feel the need to have everything ready and wrapped up because it could be "any day now!" I still think I will go overdue though. Daddy and I plan to go on one more date this Friday. We're going to go out to dinner and to see Pirates of the Caribbean.
At work, Christine did an ultrasound for me to see if we could measure how big you are. The calculations say that right now you are about 7 pounds. Which means if I go all the way to my due date (or more), you'll probably be 8 or 8 1/2 pounds. Yikes!! I feel like you are right between my legs most of the time, and my co-workers think it's hilarious to watch me waddle all around. I get so frustrated with pants!! My work pants won't fit over my belly, but don't stay up when I time them under either, so I feel like I am constantly hiking them up. I have a clot in my leg, so I also have to wear support hose which SUCKS!! I can't even put on regular socks, let alone, those things. Most of the time I sucker one of my co-workers in to helping me put them on. I can't wait to wear regular pants!!