My wonderful little bug. I am so torn. I can't wait to watch you grow up, walk, talk, and smile, but I love you being so small and cuddly. I hope I will be a good Mommy to you. Daddy thinks you will be the first female motocross champion. I hope you will pick something safer. I so dread going back to work. I don't want to miss anything. I love you so much.
Today was your due date, but I guess you had a different agenda, and that was fine with me! You umbilical cord fell off. I'm glad it's gone...Yuck! A couple days ago when I was bathing you, I noticed it was starting to come off and it was a little bloody and gooey looking. I freaked out a little and called your Dad in there to look at it. I asked him if he thought it was all right and he said, "Why don't you know, you're the nurse?" I told him, they never fall off for me. He thinks that because I'm a nurse, I'm supposed to know everything medical related. I'm happy to report that now that it's fallen off, everything looks a-okay, and you have an inny.