Today we took your first nudie shots! It was Dada's idea, I just want you to know. He couldn't help himself, he had to pinch your little butt. You're starting to get fat rolls too. I think your hair resembles Elvis in these pictures.
We drove down to Grandma & Grandpa Smith's house. It was nice to be able to see them, but it was a rough trip. 2 hours is a long time to have you in the car. I can't see you because your seat is rear-facing. I thought you might sleep, but you only did for a very short time. The rest of the time you mostly cried. We had to take a break and stop on the side of the road so I could change your diaper and nurse you. It's frustrating, because I can't really do anything for you when you are strapped in your carseat. I think it's going to be a while before we try to make that trip again.