August 29, 2003
August 29, 2003
I swear you have a sixth sense. It's either that or a really good nose. I will not so much as sit down and pick up a fork, and you're crying. I have yet to get through dinner with out being interupted. If this doesn't make those pregnancy pounds melt away, I don't know what will. Wait! Yes I do. I'm sure the rocking, bouncing, swaying jig I have to do about 4 times a night is aerobic exercise. It's not that I mind that you wake so often at night, it's just that it takes at least 45 minutes to get you back to sleep!! You will be sound asleep in my arms, swaddled tightly, and I'll lay you ever so gently into the crib and tip toe out of the room. The floor creaks and BAM! you're screaming again. The other night, I was so tired of bouncing, that I decided to try take a drive with you. My Dad had told me I loved that as an infant. It was 4 am and I drove you around the country for about 20 minutes. You were quiet in the back for so long, I was sure you were asleep. I pulled in the garage, snuck around the side of the car, opened the door, and there you were, eyes wide open, looking at me. I wanted to cry. Mommy still loves you dearly, but please baby, go to sleep.