Today was your perfect kind of day. Mainly because we had Maddie, Karrie, and Jeremy over. We made our own little waterpark in the backyard. We had the whale pool filled up, sprinklers going, and the water guns out. We even made our own water slide by putting the whale pool under your slide and spraying it with the hose. Mama had to take you and Maddie down it multiple times. Even the Daddies got into to splashing and squirting. What a fun day! After we played in the water for a long time, we had lunch out on the deck. All nutritious things like hot dogs and chips.

Maddie is such an important friend to you. You tell me you miss her and Karrie, before we've even left their driveway everyday I pick you up. The other day we had them over for a playdate. I told you we needed to pick up before they could come over. Now anytime I start cleaning you ask, "Do we need to pick up so Maddie and Karrie can come over?" Anytime we do something fun like go to the park or Chuck. E. Cheese, you say, "That was fun. Next time can Maddie come too!" I'm getting excited for you to go to school, so you can make lots of friends and get invited over to their houses. You are going to have so many friends!