It was agony for me to watch you though, because I wanted to be in there helping you. I know this is a good thing though. It's just hard because this is your first time and you won't do anything on your own. So I sit and watch you stand next to the balance beam waiting for the teacher to come over and hold your hand as you go across. Most of the other kids, just do their own thing.

On the upside, it is obvious how hard you concentrate on following the teachers instuctions. The other kids will be goofing around and in their own world and you are right on task. At one point, everyone was over getting a drink of water and the teacher had told you to stand up against the blue wall after you were done getting your drink. You had yourself pressed so hard against that wall, you looked like you were being arrested. My favorite part was when the class was running laps around the gym, and all the girls were waving at their Mommies when they ran past the window, and you came around waving your little hand madly and smiling this huge smile! It made me so happy to see you having such a good time!
At the first class, you just wore shorts and a T-shirt, because that was what we wore to the Mommy and Me class. But I noticed all the other girls were wearing leotards. So for your birthday I got you a lavendar leotard with a little skirt on it. You love it and looks so cute wearing it! Here's a picture of my little gymnast/ballerina!