Abu had a second escape attempt too. Gave me a heart attack! This one was definitely Mom's fault. We had cleaned his cage and he was rolling around in his ball. I asked you to pick up some things, and you asked me to put him away. Well, my attention got distracted and I forgot. We went outside to play, and when we came in, we saw the ball sitting there, lid popped off. You began frantically searching for Abu, and I began frantically searching for the cats. I found all the cats and locked them up, and you found Abu! He was under Mom & Dad's dresser. He didn't really want to come out, so we had to employ the cheese cracker as bait again. Whew! Disaster averted. I don't know what were going to do when he "passes". You are going to be so sad. I've thought about the old hamster switcheroo, but that wouldn't really be right, plus very tricky to pull off.