You seemed in good spirits when you got off the bus. You were ravenous at lunch. I was trying to pump you for information the whole time, but I didn't get very far. I ended up having to tease out info through out the day. You said that you didn't cry the whole way to school and not at all once you got there. You sat with Emma Lee from across the street and Daddy wanted to know what you guys talked about. "Backpacks" was the response. The teacher was waiting for you when you got to school. You played with Lily and two other girls during freetime. You finally got to play in the house under the loft, you were so dissappointed that you didn't get to play in there during orientation. Your eyes were all sparkly when you said, "And guess who I got to be? The Mom!" You told me that "the girl with curly hair was the kitty, and the girl who looks like Zoei , except she's nice, was the sister." I asked if anyone was the Dad and you said emphatically No,

"but Max tried to come in our house without asking!" That Max, he's a stinker. You also had computer lab today, and you got to play some game. I don't remember the name of it. For a project, you made a storybook "like Brown Bear, Brown Bear". At circle time, you sang some songs and the teacher played the violin. I could tell you were impressed by that because you made your own violin out of sticks. For snack you had milk and crackers. I asked if you picked white or chocolate and you said white milk. I was shocked, but you said you didn't "feel like" chocolate.
While you were at school, Mama went grocery shopping and bought things to pack in the lunchbox. For some reason, this is really hitting me hard. Yes I have the "my baby is all grown up" feelings, but it's more than that. Before it always felt like I was just here to make sure you felt loved and cared for. Now it feels more like I'm responsible for molding and shaping you, making sure that everything for school is remembered, packing the lunch, getting you on the bus on time. I don't want to screw up! I hope some day you can read this when you are sending your baby off to Kindergarten and think, yeah I know what you mean Mom.