Merry Christmas Sweetie! As you can see from the picture Daddy got us matching Christmas sock monkey PJ's. Don't we look cuddly? You are not nearly as afraid of Santa this year, however you still requested someone sleep with you. Christmas morning you were very excited to dive right into present opening. It makes me a teeny bit sad. I miss the way you wanted to stop and play with every new thing you opened. This year, you're chomping at the bit to move on to the next one.
You said you got everything you wanted, so I guess Santa and your parents did pretty good. Sunday we went to Nana and Papa's house and had Christmas there, and today Grandpa and Grandma Denise came over late morning. He read you the "poop story" that Aunt Allison sent you for Christmas. It's about a little mole who has someone poop on his head, and he's trying to solve the mystery of whodunit. Both you and Grandpa were in stitches. I added the video of him reading it, I hope it works.
Once again you have been a very good girl this year. Daddy and I are so proud of you. I hope you weren' t dissappointed that Mama had to work on Christmas day. I was just happy I could be there in the morning to see you when you first took in everything. That's the best moment.