September 7, 2007

September 7, 2007

Another big milestone! Today, I went in to get you up from your rest (although no resting was going on). You had taken all your Polly Pocket's accessories and put them in a plastic bottle. You were excited to show me your "mixture", then you told me how you put all of them in there "except for the one that's up my nose." Ackkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! I said,

"What is up your nose, honey"
"A Polly shoe."
"Why did you put it up your nose."
"I dunno."

I took a look and sure enough, there it was shoved wayyyyyyy up there. So I took you in the bathroom, and got out the tweezers, but then thought I'd give the old plug the opposite nostril and blow trick a try, and it worked beautifully. That Polly shoe went flying across the bathroom like a bullet out of a gun. We were both laughing hysterically. Then I had to have the serious talk about not putting things up our nose, and I educated you in the techniques they have at the hospital for extracting things from noses when Mommy can't get them out. Hopefully it won't happen again.