July 13, 2005

July 13, 2005

Today, we went swimming at the neighbors pool. You love jumping off the steps and having me swirl you around in the water. Their granddaughter Alexis who is four was there, you think she is very interesting. Afterward, you were walking around in the driveway with the towel wrapped around you and your wet hair. You looked so grown up, like a real kid, not a baby. You went to sleep reading one of your Arthur books in your crib. You absolutely love reading and I hope you continue that into adulthood. I thought I would add a note about your current daily schedule. Toddlers are creatures of habit after all.

7:15 - Wake up (usually calling for Dada, Mama, milk, or some combination of those)
8:15 - Breakfast (current favorites are Cocoa Krispies and french toast)
10:00 - We run errands or go on outings to the park, library, playland, etc.
12:00 - Lunch (current favorites hot dogs, grilled cheese, turkey)
1:00-3:00 - Naptime
3:30 - Snack (this is your opportunity for treats, current favorites pudding and kudos)
5:00 - Dinner (current favorites noodles with alfredo sauce, chicken nuggets, carrots)
7:15 - Bathtime
7:45 - Bedtime (after bath we get in your PJ's, read books, and kiss everyone goodnight before drifting off to sleep with a book, your stuffed animals, and music)

2-3 days a week you go to "daycare" at Maddie's house. Karrie doesn't watch any other kids, and she takes you guys all over the place; garage sales, the mall, library, McDonalds. I couldn't imagine a more ideal situation. You love playing with Maddie, even though you get in fights sometimes. Yesterday, you came home with a big bite mark on your arm. I think Maddie does most of the physical stuff, but you're not completely innocent either. You have no desire to share, frequently telling you father and I "Maddie no play with Patsy, Maddie no look at Patsy." Patsy of course is your blanket, one of your essential of living. You also have a hand towel size version of Patsy, named Mini, a stuffed dog named Abby. I would also include milk & juice in this category. When you get stressed you say "I want Patsy, and mini, and abby, and juice." Boy you're demanding ;)